It was my first time showing at a convention, and it couldn't have been a better experience.
Thank you to all who supported and just chatted about things like Batman Beyond (being the superior of the series of course) And to all the amazing talent I was surrounded by.
I strongly advise you to check out these amazing artists:
June Vigants
Mara Jayne's Off With Their Hats
And my table mate,
Jack Parra
What are you still doing here..? Click away!
On a side note..Dunkin Donut's frozen Arnold Palmer (if you don't know what that is, he is some sort of golf athlete, who I recognize for his fame under the label of an ice tea and lemonade blend. Wonderfully mixed in perfect harmony.) is A) a delicious treat and I urge you to try it. And B) is still just as delicious after sitting in a car for five hours in a parking garage.
For more CTCon goodness click......HERE!