Free Doodle Friday is upon us!
How do you play you ask, well hold your horses, I'm getting to that.
First you'll have to go to my FACEBOOK page and click like.
Or if you prefer the TWITTER, you can go ahead and follow me and all my tweeting adventures.
So here's how to play...Don't worry, it's quite simple.
At some point tomorrow, I will post a doodle with no title or name and you are going to have to tell me who that character/thing/anthropomorphic blob is. The first person to respond (with the correct answer of course) will get one of two things. FIRST, Bragging rights. And SECOND, the original piece (with stickers of course).
Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell your co-workers, tell that weird kid that keeps starring at you at the check out. Anyone and anything that will listen.
So wake up, eat a delightful meal (it is the most important of all the meals) and get ready for some Free Doodling Adventure.